Teamplay – yasoon values

yasoon is made up of two teams: the business team and the tech team. yasoon quickly realised that working in concerted teams boosts satisfaction and enables us to develop high-quality products.
We can only reach our goals with a balanced team culture. It’s particularly important for us to find time to communicate regularly across team boundaries. We have created specific interfaces to share expertise with one another on an ongoing basis, and to give feedback on new ideas. Thanks to team structure based on Microsoft Teams and Jira, everything is available centrally and documented in full for the whole staff to access.
As part of onboarding, the managers responsible introduce new hires to the product/work areas – we introduced a defined process for this to ensure that responsibilities are clear from day one.
We also hold regular team-internal coordination meetings (our ‘Dailies’ or ‘Weeklies’), which we use to discuss interdisciplinary tasks and prepare for the current week. The meetings also give us a chance to talk to one another and clear any roadblocks.
There are also plenty of opportunities for private chats, but of course no one is required to participate. 😉 At lunch or (digital) afterwork get-togethers, we forget the bits, bytes and business for a while, and talk about off-topic subjects or fire up the gaming console. 😊
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