Microsoft 365 for Jira

in Microsoft
To Do

Überblicke deine täglichen Aufgaben in Microsoft To Do. Synchronisiere automatisch alle Jira-Vorgänge mit deiner ausgewählten Microsoft To Do-Liste


Microsoft To Do und Jira

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Verbessere deine Aufgaben-Planung

Erfahre mehr über die Integration von Microsoft To Do mit Jira in diesem kurzen Video. Erhalte einen Überblick über deine täglichen Aufgaben an einem Ort: Microsoft To Do. Entdecke alle Funktionen im Detail und finde heraus, ob Microsoft 365 for Jira die richtige Wahl für dich ist.

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Atlassian Marketplace Review
This is a helpful app, especially with the sync to Microsoft To Do so you can drag tasks to calendars in order to block time for tasks.

von Blake – Microsoft 365 for Jira user

Atlassian Marketplace Review
For someone like me that depends on Microsoft To Do to keep on top of their daily tasks, this plugin really was the missing link in my workflow. The configuration options make it super easy to get issues synced from Jira projects (Software and Service Management) into Microsoft To Do.

von Mark – Microsoft 365 for Jira user

Atlassian Marketplace Review
The Microsoft 365 for Jira app is a great app for connecting both worlds and get the best of it. You can sync tasks to Jira issues and if you need the support for whatever reason, they are super friendly and fast.

von Fabian – Microsoft 365 for Jira user

Atlassian Marketplace Review
Great app that does everything that it is supposed to do without any silyness, Setup was super easy as well.

von Jeff – Microsoft 365 for Jira user