Kick-start your work planning with Microsoft To Do for Jira

Now that the new year has started, everyone is hustling to get things done. But do you already have an overview of what you need to tackle?
We at yasoon use Microsoft To Do to keep track of our tasks. It’s included in the Office 365 subscription anyway, and provides a simple and easy way to organize our to-dos and plan each of our individual work days.
But of course, we also work with Jira a lot. As a result, we got to the point where we used Jira for bigger tasks involving multiple team members, and Microsoft To Do for smaller, more personal ones.
You know us – switching between programs isn’t our favorite thing to do. So we developed a smart app that brings your Jira issues to Microsoft To Do, and also lets you add personal tasks to any Jira issue. Enter Microsoft To Do for Jira!
The app really addresses the team’s needs, and we’re sure a lot of people work the same way and will benefit from this integration.
Using Microsoft To Do for Jira you can choose either a simple or advanced wizard to guide you through the synchronization setup. Simple is – well, simple: You choose to push Jira issues assigned to you to a Microsoft To Do list of your choice. You can set whether to move a Jira issue to review or done (or any other status you want) when you check off the issue in To Do.
Our advanced settings let you tailor your synchronization to more specific needs. You can push only Jira issues with certain labels, statuses, types, and so on. Maybe, you only want to see issues with the status “escalated” in your To Do list or just want issues with the label “event” to appear.
Another neat feature focuses on all work done in Jira itself. For example, you’re in a scrum meeting discussing different Jira issues and want to add some personal tasks to that issue, you can now use our app to do so. The personal tasks will only be visible for you and are, of course, also instantly synced with your chosen Microsoft To Do list.
Want to check out our new Microsoft To Do app for Jira?
Watch our video or try it for free!